Saturday, September 27, 2008

As told to me by Sarah

** I am wearing one of those Juicy like halter top dresses (around the house and after shower ONLY) and I reach over her to tuck her in to watch a cartoon, when I bend over, my boobs fall out

MOM- "oops, my boobies fell out"
SARAH- "NO MOMMY, your boobies are HANGING out"

Thanks Sarah!

As told to me by Sarah!

**Mom is in a bad mood today, cleaned up too many messes, poopy diapers and it's wet outside, so we're stuck inside! Hubby is out of town AGAIN!
-Sarah and Andew are at the table eating yogurt and Sarah keeps dropping her spoon on the floor

MOM- "Sarah! Just how many spoons are you going to drop on the floor today!!"

SARAH- (serious look on her face) "TWO!"

I give up!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My new favorite book

This is not your average "list of baby stuff" book. I picked up this book trying to see just what this lady could tell me that I didn't already know after having three kids... well, this is now on the list of things I am buying my new mom friends!
Find the full review on
Hip chick pregnancy

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My baby won't sleep through the night...good for me!

I just came downstairs from comforting my 6 and half month old. None of my three kids slept through the night before one year. Depending on the day, of course, that's a good thing.
Having three kids under 4 calls for a hectic and energetic day. I feel pulled and always have someone on my lap at one time or another. But... the times at night when my youngest needs me, is time I treasure. He doesn't want to breastfeed, he doesn't want to burp, fart or perform any other bodily function, he just wants to be held. He wants to know he is safe, he wants "mommy time" The house is quiet, the chores are done (ok, so almost done) and it's just me waltzing around his room, in my 20 year old mu-mu tank dress, smelling his hair, nuzzling his cheek ever so lightyly as not to wake him. He's growing up so fast...
I may complain I'm tired, but I don't want to miss a second of this and I know how much I'll miss it the first day of Kindergarten, or when he graduates high school.
I've been through this three times and it never gets old.

I can make my butt talk...

Thank you Jim Carrey! Oh, and thanks to my husband.
Remember in "Ace Ventura" I think that's what it was? Where he uses his butt to say "can I ASS you a question" I don't know where my daughter saw that, but, she gets the biggest kick out of doing it. She runs around nakie, turns around, bends over and makes her butt talk! It's one of those things where you KNOW you shouldn't laugh, and you know laughing will only encourage it, but it's so friggin' funny you can't help it.
Ok, her first day of pre-school, I was getting my boys out of the car to walk her to her class and she was talking to some lady in the parking lot... small talk.. then she says "I can make my butt talk" Ahhh, a proud moment in Mommie's life! I laughed and the lady laughed and on we went.
I am so glad I am not a prude or uptight. I'm proud she can make her butt talk.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Yeah, OK, I've been a little busy having babies!

  • current count: 3
  • final count: 3
  • nights I've slept 8 hours since 1994: 3
  • years until I MAY get to sleep at least 8 hours: 3

I am really blessed, I have 3 healty and strong kids. I am also hoping with 3 kids, maybe one of them will be able to wipe my butt when I'm 92! Fat chance huh?