Saturday, November 11, 2006

Newest article on Hip Chick

(Visit this webpage to view the newest article published on the Hip Chick Pregnancy
To take an online pregnancy test, you'll need to answer some questions. These questions are related to signs that indicate pregnancy.Online Pregnancy Test and Pregnancy and Heartburn

Friday, October 27, 2006

Sarah would like to introduce her new brother, Andrew!

Save $200.00 off off the cost of cord bloodbanking with Viacord ( good till 12/31/06 )

Be sure to call 1-888-758-5115 to find out more about cord blood banking and mention MC # 1070 to receive your $200.00 savings, don't let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass you by!

Friday, September 15, 2006


OK, Let's see who can guess the date and the weight of this little guy.. wanna play?
Just add a comment attached to this post and we can see what all of your thoughts are :)
GOOD LUCK.. oh, yeah, there is NO prize, only PRIDE!

**If you don't have an account, email me at and I'll post your response

External Version Today

HI all!
Just a quick update for those interested. My little guy was breech at our OB appt yesterday, so the doc scheduled a procedure today to try and move him to the head down position.
IT WORKED! He is now facing the right way. Typical of the "male" in my life to give me a hard time.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Viacord Special Save $200.00 on Cord Blood Banking until 9/30/06

This just in! Attention all you HIP preggo momma's! Viacord is running a special savings. To take advantage of this just call 1-888-758-5115 Don't forget to mention MC# 1070

Informative quote about Cord Blood Banking

“There are a number of things we know that make cord
blood valuable and there are things that we can only predict
that it will be used for in the future, but right now there are
things called stem cells which are building-block cells that
can become anything – so in the future, if a baby needs
certain transplants, like say, for bone marrow for leukemia.
There are a lot of things that we don’t even know yet that
they could be used for.”

The U.S. Surgeon General, Vice Admiral Richard H.
Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S. from an interview on the
Discovery Health Network

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Hello all, I just wanted to pass along this blog I just found.. ENJOY!

Friday, July 21, 2006

57% of Americans disapprove of women breastfeeding in public.. WHAT?????

You have GOT to be kidding me? I couldn't belive this headline! This article and statistic was posted in my "baby talk" magazine in the Aug issue. That statistic is according to The Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
They go on to say that a whopping 72 percent said that it's inappropriate to show a woman breastfeeding on TV programs
My mouth actually DROPPED! What is wrong with people?? No wonder most women don't breastfeed for the recommended first year. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing a mother and a child can do! I don't need to go on and on about the benefits of breastfeeding your child, we all know those! I am just literally shocked at that statistic. It makes me want to walk around topless with my baby on my breast and say SCREW YOU! I breastfed my daughter where and when she needed to. I was discreet for my own modesty, but I cannot belive the public opinion on this..
Oh well I guess the US can be pretty conservative and brainless, they voted Bush in for a second term eh?

Monday, June 19, 2006

YES this is our last pregnancy!

Hey, I love being pregnant, I love feeling the little critter kicking the crap out of me. There is no other feeling in the world. BUT, with the second pregnancy... And I must state, this is just MY experience.... This is a whole lot tougher than the first. I owe that to several reasons, the first being that I am older, I will be 36 when this one is born. Also, I am starting out at about 20 lbs more than I did with my daughter Sarah. This baby is a boy, and I believe the "wives tales" of how you carry depends on the sex of the baby. I feel I am carrying this boy VERY low! I can't sit down without my legs spread eagle ( giving up on trying to sit like a "lady" ) I can't bend over, It's hard to shave my legs, and my friends, I am ONLY 26 weeks pregnant! Goddess help me when I am 35 weeks. That's my rant for the day!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Guess what? It's a BOY not a girl!

Well, there you have it. My little Isabella is now Isa-Billy or Isa-Bobby!! I am not the first I'm sure, but can you imagine knowing you're having a girl and all of a sudden they see a wanker? Oh well, we are just as happy and feel this is the way it should be.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Natural Childbirth Quote....

Women's bodies have near-perfect knowledge of childbirth; it's when their brains get involved that things can go wrong.- Peggy Vincent Baby Catcher

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm pregnant too!

Just a note to let you all know that yours truly is pregnant again! Yup, due to have the second in a trilogy, October 5th. We've been told we're having a girl, but not totally sure about that because the sonographer swore it was a boy, but the doc said she was fresh out of school and it's plainly a girl. HHmm.. maybe I should post the U/S picture on here and get your opinion. Hoping it is a girl, then I won't have to buy a new wardrobe for this little one ;)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Considerng a waterbirth? Think about it this way.....Wouldn't a peacful and serene birth, with a relaxed and focused mother be a wonderful way to bring a baby into this world? Having a waterbirth is an option for Mom's who want to give birth naturally. Childbirth is such a powerful experience for a woman. But, too often, women totally give up their power and gift of childbirth over to other people to control. Giving birth in this way gives the woman a feeling of empowerment and pride in being able to choose how she delivers her child.
What about what the baby goes through? Just imagine that your little one is as cozy and warm as can be for the past 9 months. You have given that little wonder a warm and secure environment only to have him arrive in a cold, bright and noisy world. That is why this is such a beautiful way to bring your little wonder into this world. Imagine the having your baby arrive in a warm, quite, safe and inviting environment where the first touch is your arms. I can't think of a more beautiful way to start a relationship.

The benefits of waterbirthing is so numerous... here are just a few

ease the pain of labor where only 10% of mom's ask for pain relief
relaxation of mom
can faciltate a slow labor
relaxed pelvic floor
relieve anxiety
empowers the mom
can increase blood circulation

Wheather you decide to just labor in water, or have an actual waterbirth you can still take advantage of what water has to offer.

If you decide you want to use water to help you labor, you need to have a few things in mind. The water temperature should be around your body temperature. Be careful when entering the tub and try to enter between contractions. Make sure the tub is large enough so that you can move freely and be able to change positions to what makes you feel comfortable.

Women usually enter the tub when they are about 5-8 cm dilated. Check with your caregiver, but you should not need to worry about infection if your membranes have ruptured, as long as you are following proper hygenics.

The following are some interesting statistics about waterbirthing.

The women had shorter labors.
Cervical dilatation was more efficient- 2.5 centimeters per hour compared with 1.25 centimeters per hour for mothers who did not take advantage of water during their labors.
The descent of the babies was twice as fast.
The women reported less pain.
The cesarean section rate was one-third that of traditional hospital births.
Mothers labeled "high-risk" because of high blood pressure showed a dramatic reduction in their blood pressure within minutes of immersion in the pool.
(see end note #1)

Waterbirthing can be not only a gentle way to bring your little one into the world, but as you can see, it is also a SAFE alternative. Also, remember that being educated is the most important thing you can do to keep yourself happy and healthy througout your pregnancy.

#1 Sears, William,Martha Sears,and Linda Hughey Holt. The Pregnancy Book.
New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1997.

Hip Chick Pregnancy Guide
Ok my friend, now it's time to name that little hip baby of yours. Picking baby names is one of the toughest decisions. What is in a meaning of a name? I mean really, you don't want to name your kid something that means DEMON SEED or anything. What's in a name? What fits best with your last name? I mean, come on, you might want to skip Ben Dover or Frank Furter for instance.

A name is so important, I mean, it can affect a poor kid all through adulthood. It can affect self esteem, it can also be a first impression from others. If you were set up on a blind date with a Dilbert or with a Jonathan, who would YOU choose? And you didn't even have to see them? You are probably thinking "what kind of parents would name their kid Dilbert?" and that would lead to "if they could name their son Dilbert, what other weird traits did they hand down" OK OK OK I don't want all the Dilberts to email me and cuss me out, I myself am not making the generalization I am just trying to predict what others would think. I Dilbert is a beautiful name.

Then you have to deal with your partner. You wouldn't want to name your daughter after his first love would you? And you probably don't want baby names that are so unique that when your child grows up and introduces theirself to others, all they hear is "what did you say your name was again?" On the other side, you don't want the name that is too trendy that in first grade your child has to go by their first name and their last initial. And you also want to be able to find their name on those cheesy license plates at the souvenir shops right? mmm... maybe that's still up in the air

I have tried to make life a little easier for you when it comes to picking baby names. I have several lists here. The first is of Favorite Names, these names are a compilation of my favorites and some of my friends' favorites. I also have a list of the most popular names for 2004 and 2005. I have some movie star baby names, I have Hawaiian names, Hispanic names, African American names, goddess names, Irish names, Hindu names, Arabic names, Greek names, English names and stay tuned for more lists.

Click here to see the lists

Viacord's new Gift Registry

Viacord has unveiled a great new program call the Viacord Gift Registry This is a program for Mom's who are already enrolled in the Viacord program to announce this life saving opportunity to their family and friends. This will give you a chance to send out information and offer your family and friends to share in your passion about cord blood banking with Viacord.And this will give them an opportunity to help contribute to the cost of cord blood banking as a gift to you and your unborn child. It's easy to sign up and a great way to share the news. To learn more about this wonderful new program, do NOT hesitate to call in and the Viacord representatives will be more than happy to discuss this new program with you. Again, the number to call is 1-888-758-5115
Go to my site to learn more about cord blood banking
Hip Chick Pregnancy Guide

OK.. What I am supposed to pack?

What to pack in your bag if you are going to a hospital or birthing center
There are so many things a new mom has to do to prepare for her big day, but one task that can make all your hard work even easier is to prepare sensibly. When it comes time for your delivery, you will want all your essentials packed and ready to go on a moment’s notice. So, the question is, “What should I pack in my bag for the hospital or birthing center?”

This is mostly common sense, but here are some things you may not have thought about. It's best to have only one bag to carry, so even if you have to go with a bigger bag, it's better than carrying several little bags. The last thing you need to worry about is how you'll get your things inside the center or hospital! Also, having a bag on wheels is a good idea; your partner can pull that along with one hand and help you with the other or, if you are like me, you'll be riding in a wheelchair!

Try not to over-pack, as this just means you'll have to re-pack everything up in a few days when you go home. You aren't trying to win a beauty contest or the Most Stylish Mama on the Floor award. Believe me, all you will care about is when you will finally get some sleep (when the kid goes off to college... MAYBE!) and when should you wake up the little one to breastfeed. I remember wearing my husband’s T-shirt the next day and the hospital underwear and walking around in my room with the door open! (You really don't care who sees you!) The poor guy who delivered my breakfast that morning is probably still having nightmares!

Depending on how you feel about being in your own clothes, why not just get the hospital gowns dirty. Honestly, if you have a normal vaginal delivery, you will be bleeding like crazy afterwards (it feels like you are making up for all the periods you missed while you were pregnant. REVENGE!). So, why get all of your panties soiled? I even asked for some of the hospital underwear to take home with me. About the bleeding, the hospital does provide the MASSIVE pads you can wear, and I used them for the first two days (because they were industrial strength), but you may feel comfortable buying and using your own. But be sure to buy the heavy-duty ones! Everyone is different, but buy enough for about 10 days of that heavy bleeding.

Bringing your own music to listen to is very helpful for some Moms. I did buy a little boom-box, but didn't have time to listen to it during labor because my little one came so quickly – but I was glad I brought it because, later that night, when we were settled into our bed, my husband took a little nap and I had my daughter in my arms. I turned on the CD that I made of my favorite songs and I loved having that playing in the background as I was holding my new baby girl.

I stated this in another section of this site, but, ahead of time, make two copies of your insurance card and I.D. and just stick it down in your bag so you KNOW you have it. You will have probably already pre-registered and may not need it, but my hospital suggested I have a copy just in case – and I think that is a great idea.

Of course, you'll need something to wear home. This might be the only outfit you think about, because, if you are like me, someone will be snapping pictures. I hope you know that you will still look pregnant after delivery. In fact, you will still look five or six months pregnant! Please bring maternity clothes, so that you know you will fit into them. And be sure they are comfortable: You won't feel like zipping too much or squeezing into something that isn't comfortable. How about a really nice set of sweat pants or your comfortable maternity jeans?

You may want to wear the hospital gowns, but I bet your baby doesn't want to! You bought all of those soft little “onesie” sacks, so why not make the bambino as comfortable as possible? You knew as you were washing them up and putting them away in preparation for the birth, you felt how soft they were, go for it! This may not pertain to all Moms but my little girl was seven pounds when she was born and she fit into preemie clothes for about two or three weeks. If you don’t think your little one will be over eight pounds, how about picking up at least one preemie outfit? That way, baby won't be drowning in the newborn cloths in the hospital. If I had to do it again, I would also bring a few newborn diapers. My hospital carried size-one diapers, and these were swimming on her! This isn't necessary by any means; it’s just something I would do.

Buy some of those trial-size shampoos and tubes of toothpaste to put in your bag; they'll take up less space and that will be about all you need if you are only staying one or two days.

If you are banking your cord blood, be sure to have your kit handy with your overnight bag.

So, to summarize, the bottom line is this: Be prepared! Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare your “Big Day” bag. If you prepare you bag ahead of time, perhaps as early as during your eighth month, you will eliminate so much mental anxiety! And be sure to put it in a convenient place, and that will be one less thing you have to stress about!

Congratulations – and good luck!

Episiotomy...Do I really need one?

If you're like me when I was pregnant, you are probably being bombarded with information. Between reading and getting so much advice about everything from what to feed your baby to which diaper cream to use, you might find that you have more questions than answers. You are also probably wondering about what to expect on the BIG day.

One subject that can generate a lot of opinions is episiotomies. Do you need one? Do you even want one? First of all, let’s define the word: An episiotomy is a cut made by a physician in the lower opening of the mother’s vagina during delivery in the attempt to ease the passage of the baby through the vagina. Most episiotomy cuts are done straight down into the perineum, the area between the vagina and the anus.

OK, now that you know what it is, I bet you are wondering why doctors perform the episiotomy procedure. Traditionally, episiotomies were done by doctors when forcep delivery was a common practice. A cut enabled the doctor’s forceps to fit into the vagina in order to remove the baby.

According to a Centers for Disease Control’s 2001 study, forcep deliveries have decreased from a rate of 17.6 percent of all deliveries in 1980 to only four percent of all deliveries in the year 2000. Episiotomy rates, however, have not followed this same trend. Episiotomies have dropped to 32.7 percent of all deliveries versus 64 percent in 1988.

So, I bet you are wondering why doctors would still perform an episiotomy given that forcep deliveries are now done so infrequently.

Most of the reasons for the persistence of this procedure are based on incorrect information. Some doctors believe that an episiotomy will protect the pelvic floor against damage. A 2005 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, as well as other recent studies, proves this to be an incorrect assumption. These findings also show no evidence that a cut in the perineum "protects" the pelvic floor muscle.

Another frequently cited reason for doing an episiotomy is the belief that a natural tear repairs more slowly than a doctor-performed cut. This is untrue. A natural tear will actually heal much better than an episiotomy. Tearing is much safer than a cut; and while many people think that an episiotomy is easier to repair than a tear, this is not true, according to a 1987 study by J.M. Thorp and other doctors writing for the publication Obstet Gynecol.

Here’s another reason against cutting the skin to allow the baby’s head to pass during birth: Think of your skin as a cotton sheet. If you use scissors to create a physical cut, the fabric will rip and tear more easily. The last thing you want, therefore, is for a doctor’s cut to your vaginal area to continue to tear with the stress and strain created by the force of a baby being born, thus potentially injuring you or damaging your perineum. Use this analogy to think about how your skin tears, and you may decide that you don't want or need an episiotomy. Always discuss this topic in depth with your caregiver.

As is always the case with many invasive procedures, episiotomies bring several risks to the mother. Infection, bleeding, hematoma, and post-partum pain are merely a few of the risks. Another interesting fact is that some studies have also shown that women who tear naturally during childbirth return sooner to sexual intercourse after giving birth than women who are “cut” by their physicians. (This finding was reported by P.G. Larsson and other doctors in a 1991 edition of Gynecol Obstet.)

Now that you know that routine episiotomies are not always necessary, there are some very rare cases where an episiotomy is necessary. Discuss these reasons with your caregiver so that you are prepared and educated in advance of your baby’s birth.

Do you want to know how to avoid an episiotomy? You can prevent the need for an episiotomy in several ways.

First and foremost is to become educated on the topic, including all the pros and cons of the procedure.

In addition, at the time of your delivery, ask your caregiver to instruct you on your pushing at the time of crowning. If a mom has instruction in controlled pushing, the vaginal skin will stretch naturally to accommodate the baby. This goes back to the thought that your body knows what to do.

You might also try the following suggestions:

 Discuss the use of episiotomy with your caregiver in order to learn if he or she has done the same homework on the subject that you have.
 Perineal massage may help avoid a tear and/or the need for an episiotomy.
 Practice Kegel exercises for controlled pushing. This will help to promote a healthy pelvic floor muscle.
 Consider having a water birth in order to reduce the stress and strain that necessitates an episiotomy.

No matter what happens on your big day, you must not let this potential need for a physical cut to your body during your baby’s birth to create undue stress and emotional anxiety. If education is your best defense, remember this fact: A woman's body is BUILT to give birth.